From inside the front cover:
- Year A, Volume 1 - Advent through Transfiguration
Feasting on the Word offers pastors focused resources for sermon preparation, written by companions on the way.
With four different essays on each of the four biblical texts assigned by the Revised Common Lectionary, this series offers preachers sixteen different ways into the proclamation of God's Word on any given occasion. For each reading, preachers will find brief essays on the exegetical, theological, homiletical, and pastoral challenges of the text.
The page layout is unusual. By setting the biblical passage at the top of the page and placing the essays beneath it, we mean to suggest the interdependence of these four essays provided for that text. Others may decide to look for connections between the Hebrew Bible, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle texts by reading the theological essays on each one. Wherever they begin, preachers will find what they need in a single volume produced by writers from a wide variety of disciplines and religious traditions.
These authors teach in colleges and seminaries. They lead congregations. They write scholarly books as well as columns for the local newspaper. They oversee denominations. In all these capacities and more, they serve God's Word, joining the preacher in the ongoing challenge of bringing that Word to life..."
Editors ISBN 9780664231040